JetCare™- Professional

Einzigartige JetPeel™-Hydroporation für nachhaltige Behandlungserfolge.

Special JetCare™ active serums have been developed for the JetPeel™ hydroporation technology, precisely adapted in their viscosity to the unique transport mechanism of the handpieces. JetCare™ actives must withstand the enormous pressure and speeds of up to 200 m/s (720 km/h) without altering their molecular structure or losing efficacy. Only the perfect synergy of patented JetPeel™ handpieces and JetCare™ actives ensures deep hydroporation and consistently optimal treatment results.

The original JetCare™ active serums are specially produced for the JetPeel™ technology according to EU regulations, meet FDA approval criteria in the USA, and are exported worldwide.

Using only original JetCare™ active serums and JetPeel™ handpieces guarantees the listing of your institute, hotel, or practice in the sought-after Landsberg Institute Finder on and, with 8,000 – 12,000 clicks and thousands of treatment inquiries daily.

JetPeel™ JetCare Hydro

Cleansing and nourishing hydro solution with hyaluronic acid and aloe vera.

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